


What is the relationship between drug use and crime?

Whether drug-use causes crime or crime triggers drug-use remains unclear

Notwithstanding the fact that an unauthorised production, distribution or use of narcotics constitutes a crime in itself under Criminal Law and 64% of prisoners in England and Wales reported having used illicit substances in the four weeks before custody (Prison Reform Trust, 2014:7), it seems difficult to establish a logical interpretation to clarify the relationship between drug use and crime. Regarding this point, Philip Bean claimed that "for whilst there is considerable anecdotal evidence, aided by some research that drug use causes crime, the closer we get to establishing a causal connection, the more difficult things become" (Bean, 2008:19). Although it is crucial to conceptualise a causal relationship between drug use and crime in order to devise an effective solution to drug-related problems, Bean noted that "most studies go no further than establishing a correlation or say that drug use is associated with criminality" (Bean, 2008:22). This essay will attempt to disclose the relationship between drug use and crime. A brief introduction to the two key explanatory models, which examine the drug-crime link, will be given, followed by a proposal for tackling drug-related issues.

Whilst there have been various attempts to clarify the drug-crime relationship, since both drug use and crime comprehend an extensive range of human behaviours, some academics have deliberately restricted the subject of research to the particular forms of drug use or acquisitive crime in order to understand the causality more precisely (Hale, 2009:171). James A. Inciardi's research on heroin use and street crime is one such example, which examined 356 active heroin users, including 239 males and 117 females (Newburn, 2013:496-499). Inciardi discovered a very frequent involvement in criminal activities among these heroin users that the 356 persons participated in the study "reported involvement in a total of 118,134 criminal offences during a twelve month period", which is averaging over 300 offences per participant (Newburn, 2012:498). Unsurprisingly, however, 99.6% of the male participants and 98.3% of the female participants reported having ever committed crime and 93.7% and 83.8% respectively reported having been arrested at least once (Newburn, 2012:497). According to Inciardi, "most of these offences committed for the purpose of supporting the economic needs of a drug-using career", such as burglary, robbery, theft, prostitution and drug sales (Newburn, 2012:497).

Both male and female heroin users have committed a number of crimes to support their habits, however, there is considerable gender differences in the forms of crime. For example, whilst male users are more likely to commit violent property crimes, including burglary and robbery, female users are more likely to commit non-violent property crimes, such as shoplifting and prostitution (Newburn, 2012:497). One possible explanation for the gender disparities in the forms of crime is the impact of abstinence symptom on testosterone levels, which is widely known as a substance that facilitates aggression and criminality (Goleman, 1990). Mendelson's clinical research on testosterone and heroin use elucidates the effects of heroin addiction on the human body that whilst a constant use of heroin is closely associated with lowering testosterone levels, the recovery of testosterone levels has been observed after about one month of heroine abstinence (Mendelson, 1975:1). It is known that men's testosterone levels are higher than women's levels, however, it can be argued that the recovery of testosterone levels among male heroin users, who may suffer from addiction withdrawal symptoms, triggers unstable physical and mental conditions thereby commit crimes. Although the authenticity of the effects of testosterone has been challenged by many professionals (Wright, 2009:208-209), assuming that testosterone has such an effect that increases ferocity and male heroin users originally have a higher level of testosterone, it may be possible to explain the differences in the forms of crime. However, it certainly requires further research to reinforce this argument.

Whereas Inciardi's study on heroin use and street crime suggests that there is a certain level of correlation between them, it is still difficult to assume that the research contains a conclusive evidence to establish a causal relationship between drug use and crime. Although Inciardi implicated that property crimes are basically driven by heroin addiction, whether the involvement in drug use causes crime or the involvement in criminal activity induces drug use remain unclear and Mendelson's testosterone study presented the possibility that there are some other ways to explain the relationship between heroin use and crime.
Whilst Inciardi's research indicated several approaches to conceptualise the relationship between drug use and crime, Bean argued that there are two major explanatory models in relation to the drug-crime link, which may possibly be used as evidence to describe the relationship. According to Bean, these two models are drug use leads to crime or crime leads to drug use (Bean, 2008:23-24).

Regarding the first model, Newburn stated that "there are a number of ways in which it is theoretically possible for drug use to lead crime" that can be broadly categorised into three key explanations, namely pharmacological, financial, and systemic explanations (Newburn, 2013:500). Pharmacological explanations, for instance, concern with the effects of narcotics on the individual's action. It assumes that drug addicts offences are resulted from "the ingestion of specific substances where users become excitable, irrational or exhibit criminal and violent behaviour" (Bean, 2008:27) and numerous studies regarding the impact of narcotics use on the human body have revealed that drugs have a significant physical and psychological effects on users (NHS, 2015). Although the effects of narcotics, such as severe depression, anxiety and paranoia, seem relevant to criminal activities, Bean argued that "it is not easy to determine" that these unpleasant effects directly trigger crimes as it cannot exclude the possibility that "the need to raise money to buy drugs or the nature of illicit markets may stimulate or augment a great deal of criminal behaviour" (Bean, 2008:27). Hence, the nature of link between pharmacological effects of drugs and criminal tendencies "tends to be less direct, being at least partly dependent on, or mediated by, the characteristics and disposition of the individual as well as more general cultural expectations" (Newburn, 2013:500). Financial explanations, in contrast, are "given most attention in the research literature" and it is also used by Inciardi to describe the relationship between heroin use and street crime (Newburn, 2013:500). According to Newburn, not just Inciardi's study but also many other studies on drug-related crimes indicated that imminent financial needs among drug addicts drive them to commit property crime to support their habits. Therefore, financial explanations are based on the assumption that "the drug user is unable to control their consumption and unable to fund their use through regular employment", which forces them to commit crime (Newburn, 2013:500). Lastly, systemic explanations attempt to link "drug use with crime through broader contextual factors", by expanding the attention to the whole drug markets and drug distribution networks (Bean, 2008:27). That is to say that the involvement in drug use usually links drug users to criminal activities, which are associated with drug markets, such as disputes over drug selling, conflict with the police or police corruption (Newburn, 2013:500-501). Bean noted that systemic approaches open up "new ways of thinking and a corresponding range of new opportunities for research on the pervasive impact of the drug problem" (Bean, 2008:34).

Conversely, however, the second model is based on the assumption that people who have criminal tendencies or people who have already involved in criminal activities lead to drug use. According to Measham and South, some studies provide evidence that drug users would have been already involved in criminal activities before they started using narcotics (Maguire et al., 2012:706). It seems possible to argue that the involvement in criminal-oriented lifestyle would be likely to lead criminals to encounter the availability of illicit substances sold within that culture and their deviant lifestyle would facilitate deviant drug use with relative ease (Maguire et al., 2012:706). Whilst Inciardi's research suggested that heroin use causes crime, it is difficult to exclude the possibility that "while money from criminal activity might then pay for the drugs, it was not drug addiction or use per se which led to the perpetration of crime" (Maguire et al., 2012:706).

In addition to these two explanatory models, there are some other models that attempt to understand the drug-crime relationship, such as a model, which assumed that drug use and crime have a common aetiology (Bean, 2008:24). However, none of these models have successfully established a strong causal relationship yet and Bean noted, "whilst there is a clear and significant statistical relationship, causal connections are more difficult to establish" (Bean, 2008:23). 

Although it is difficult to establish a clear relationship, if researchers should succeed in establishing a reliable theory to explain the drug-crime relationship, the impact of it on the field of social policy will be significant. If drug use causes crime then treatment for substance abuse should be anticipated to reduce crime rates and if crime triggers drug abuse then drug treatment will not affect crime rates, in which case the adequate response is to treat the criminality (Bean, 2008:22).

In conclusion, there are two key explanatory models that examine the drug-crime relationship, namely drug use causes crime and crime causes drug abuse. Inciardi's research on heroin use and street crime suggested that the financial explanations for drug-crime relationship is relatively reliable, however, it is difficult to claim that the research has produced conclusive evidence. Although whether drugs cause crime or crime triggers drug use remains unclear despite there have been many studies to elucidate the relationship, it is crucial to mention that the successful establishment of a causal relationship between drug use and crime will formulate an effective approach to reduce drug-related issues.


Is the AIIB a victory for China?

The 31st of March was the deadline for countries to apply for founding member status in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, commonly known as the AIIB, a newly established China-led regional development bank that is seen as a rival to the US-led World Bank and Japan-led Asian Development Bank (ADB). Thus far, a total of 57 nations have signed up as founding members, and it seems possible to say that China's attempt to launch an international financial institution, which could contribute more to regional development, is successful so far. 

What is interesting, however, is despite severe US opposition to the bank, in addition to the majority of Asian countries, AIIB has successfully attracted enormous support from outside of Asia, mostly from the wealthy European nations, which are considered by many people as the closest allies to the US. Chinese Central Television (CCTV) reported that the desperate attempt by the US to wean its allies away from joining the bank has proved to be ineffective. 

One of the possible explanations for why the US failed to persuade its western allies and Asian countries to refrain from joining the bank is the insufficient commitment made by the existing international institution to build basic infrastructure. Whilst the ADB estimates that it will cost approximately 8 trillion USD for the infrastructure improvement, the ADB and the World Bank have reduced the total amount of the financial aid for developing Asian countries since the start of the financial crisis. Needless to say, any delays in essential infrastructure projects will jeopardize the interest of developed and developing countries. 

Since Chinese President Xi Jinping announced proposals for a reinforcement of capital to fulfill the financial needs of rapidly developing Asian countries at the APEC summit in Indonesia in 2013, there has been a growing expectation from the world for the Chinese government to play a more active role in supporting economic growth and investing in the region. 

China's most recent efforts to set up a new regional development bank clearly indicate its strong willingness to accept more responsibility in order to live up to the Asian neighbours’ expectations. John Eatwell, a British economist, was quoted as saying that "with the growth of Renminbi as the international currency, the Chinese government recognized its responsibility to participate in the development of the international institutions which provide stability in international markets." Whilst more and more countries are expressing a positive attitude towards the AIIB, only the US and Japan are showing stiff resistance among the G7 members. 

The US and Japan have maintained strong influence in the global financial system for a long time. For instance, the US and Japan hold 15.56% and 15.67% of the ADB's capital stock respectively, whereas China holds only 6.47% of the total. Since the ADB's voting system is similar to the World Bank's model, with votes being allocated in proportion with members' capital stock, China has a very limited opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. Understandably, many American and Japanese policymakers and economists are recognizing China's true purpose of the AIIB, as a challenge to weaken the existing global financial system, which is literally dominated by the US and Japan. 

However, as the AIIB is proceeding apace, it seems clear that the US and Japan have been forced to change their strategy. At the moment, the two nations are demanding China to meet the international financial standards, instead of asking their own allies not to join the AIIB. Indeed, the Japanese media recently reported that "US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has urged China's new international investment bank to work closely with the World Bank and other global institutions." Japan's finance minister Taro Aso also required China to address some of the concerns over the AIIB's unclear lending standards and its internal governance. 

Although the US and Japan seem to be left behind after the majority of Asian and European partners rushed into the signatory ceremony, it gave the two nations an opportunity to reconfirm the strong cooperation that exists between Washington and Tokyo. It is also crucial to mention that there has been increasing concern about the actual effectiveness and economic clout of the AIIB, as is lacks two of the world's economic giants. Hence, in order to make sure that the AIIB is a fully functioning bank that can actually contribute to the Asian economy, it is necessary for the Chinese government to present feasible and reliable plan for achieving more clear lending criteria and truly democratic governance of the bank. It seems China has scored a major diplomatic victory over a skeptical US and Japan, however, it is just a first-round match in the tournament. 

Author: Yuki Taira 
International Centre for Security Analysis, King's College London 
Researcher, Japanese Language Consultant

中文: 设立亚投行对中国来说是成功之举吗?


值得注意的是,尽管有来自美国和其他亚洲国家的强烈反对,亚投行已经成功的得到了亚洲地区以外的大力支持,特别是来自发达的,可以被看做是美国亲密盟友的欧洲国家。中国中央电视台 CCTV)曾披露,美国对于其同盟国加入亚投行的劝阻都没有成功。一个可能解释的就是,当今的国际组织并没有付出足够的努力和投入去进行基本的基础设施建设。尽管亚洲开发银行对基建改进估值8 万亿美元,但在经济危机开始后,亚洲开发银行和世界银行却对给亚洲发展中国家的资金援助进行了削减。 无须赘述,任何对于基建工程的延迟对发达国家和发展中国家的利益都会造成损害。


为了回应亚洲邻国的期望,中国现在为建设亚投行所做出的努力也正体现了其希望承担更多责任的强烈意愿。英国经济学家约翰*伊特沃(John Eatwell)表示:随着人民币的持续坚挺,中国政府也意识到了其在维护国际金融市场稳定中应该承担的责任。随着越来越多的国家对亚投行的设立抱以积极的态度,在G7成员国中,只有美国和日本仍然对亚投行十分抵触。

可以说,美国和日本在长期以来都对国际金融体系保持着很大的影响。比如亚洲开发银行,美国和日本分别持有其资本的15.56% 15.67% 而中国只持有6.47% 由于亚洲开发银行和世界银行的投票规则是一致的,即成员人数与其所持资本比例成正比,从而导致了中国在相关决策上的话语权十分有限。因此,中国此番设亚投行便不难理解,其真正的目的是希望可以撼动由美国和日本统治的全球金融体系。

然而,随着亚投行的设立快速进行着,美国和日本也必须做出相应的政策调整。目前,美日虽然停止了对其同盟国加入亚投行的劝阻,却转而要求中国必须达到国际金融市场要求。确实,日本媒体报道称:美国财政部长杰克* Jack Lew)督促中国的亚投行可以与世界银行以及其他国际组织紧密合作。 日本的财务部长麻生太郎 Taro Aso)也要求中国明确一些亚投行的借贷细则和内部管理结构。



笔者:  平勇輝(Yuki Taira)
翻译:  葛爽





















だが、その後全国各地で反原発運動が実施されたことや、原発ゼロというこれまでの原子力政策を反転させる公約を掲げる政治家が増えたように、リスクにはそれまでの近代化プロセスを修正する機能ももつ。ベックを含む社会学者はこうしたリスクのもつ修正機能を再帰的近代化(reflexive modernization)と呼んだ。未曾有の危機をもたらす新しい科学技術に対するリスク認識は、技術発展の軌道そのものを変えうるという訳だ。かつての公害被害が環境保護への取り組みを強化させたように、原子力技術に内在するリスクは、原子力政策そのものを変えうる力を持つ。重要なのは、長期的な視点で原子力が人類社会にとって利益となりうるか正しく見極める必要があるということだ。既にヨーロッパの一部の国では、原子力を捨てて再生可能エネルギーの普及に舵を切ったケースもある。




